Strategy Interview: Jonathan Boshoff

Mega EEAT Analysis for improved rankings and traffic of any page

Strategy Interview: Jonathan Boshoff

Tell us about yourself!

I’m Jonathan Boshoff, AI SEO Consultant. I’m a self employed SEO that works with marketing teams of 7-8 figure companies and the occasional multi-billion dollar international giant. Not E-commerce specific, but most of my clients end up being E-com.

I help my clients achieve a 2-3x revenue increase from organic search traffic within 12 months by leaning on my 10+ years of expertise and ever growing toolkit of AI-powered SEO apps which greatly extend my capabilities.

My Journey has been crazy. I started out in 2012 helping small local businesses with SEO and websites and slowly worked my way up. This led to four agency roles, and three in-house roles where I primarily worked on SEO and content. I became self-employed after starting to promote myself on LinkedIn and YouTube, which allowed me to get enough clients to leave the agency world behind and do my own thing.

Who will this strategy help?

This strategy will help any business that wants to increase their traffic and rankings from SEO. More specifically, businesses that have informational content such as a blog. You don’t need to be highly skilled to use this strategy, because AI is going to do all the work for us.

What kind of costs are involved in making the strategy work?

It’s free to try, but if you adopt for ongoing use, you’ll need a Pro subscription to Moonlit Platform, which is a no-code AI app building tool. It costs $25 USD per month, and gives you enough credits to analyze hundreds of pages every month. You’ll also need someone savvy enough to make content edits.

How did you come up with your strategy?

This strategy was created by trying to make EEAT tangible. Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness sound easy enough in theory. But AI makes it easy to see how top ranking pages are using EEAT in their content. And it makes it easy to understand what top ranking pages are doing in terms of EEAT to hold their top ranking spots. I created this tool when tasked to perform an EEAT analysis for a leading European bank.

Mega EEAT Analysis for improved rankings and traffic of any page

Step 1: Select one of your pages that you want to improve rankings and traffic for.

Step 2: Find 3 top ranking competitor pages that rank for the target query you want to rank for. You can literally just Google the target query and pick out some competitors.

Step 3: Open up this Moonlit App, the Mega EEAT Analysis

Step 4: Enter URLS of your page and the 3 competitors into the input fields.

Step 5: Hit run. It will then go to work scraping your pages and using a sequence of 5 different OpenAI prompts which pass data to one another. It can take a few minutes to complete. Let it cook!

Step 6: Get recommendations. The Output provides a lot to work with. The only one you really need is the first one, which is the combined EEAT analysis report. It’s a curated combination of all the outputs from the AI. Note: AI is inconsistent and you may get a buggy output. Re-run if that happens.

For example, this run was looking at articles on QFII, which is a Chinese foreign investment option. It provided actionable recommendations like Covering additional aspects such as the impact of QFII and RQFII on the internationalization of the renminbi. No SEO tool is going to provide recommendations like this. It goes well beyond keyword optimization. Overall it provided 18 EEAT recommendations, 4 topic expansion ideas, and 5 information gain ideas for this run. That’s more than enough to beef up any page.

Step 7: Edit your page based on findings. You don’t have to incorporate every little detail recommended by the app. Add what you think makes sense and adds value. The app provides very specific recommendations and even points out where other pages outshined yours in those aspects. So it demystifies EEAT for you.

How do you use the strategy in your business?

I’m currently using this app in bulk to provide EEAT analysis for giant companies like airlines, liquor brands, international retailers, finance publishers, travel sites, banks, and more. It’s very handy.

How successful has it been for you?

This app has helped make dramatic improvements to page rankings. A travel site recently implemented recommendations from the app and quickly started ranking in the top 3 for their target keyword. Now we are in the process of running this for more of their pages.

It’s important to note that this app is not doing some kind of Google magic. While you may get improved rankings initially due to touching on better keywords and phrases, the majority of ROI happens over time. Because It’s simply helping you improve content in a way that provides more value to the reader. Google looks at things like time on page and bounce rate to assess how helpful a page is, and uses that to feed rankings. You should see gradual improvements in rankings and traffic after implementing. Stack that up after a series of pages and you’re on your way!

Are there any drawbacks or limitations?

It can sometimes hit token limits when processing longer pages. Or it may have trouble scraping a page. Try shorter pages and different URLS if this happens.

The EEAT analysis and topic coverage tables may also be inaccurate. But the majority of value comes from the final EEAT report so it's no big deal. AI tools aren’t perfect (yet).

For review focused content like “Top 10 tools for XYZ” - I recommend using a different tool which is focused on Google’s high quality reviews criteria. Reviews content has a whole different set of rules for ranking.

Where can we find out more about you and your company?